Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Music Tuesday: August 12, 2008

Whoa, it's been awhile since we've updated. Hope everyone is having a fandamtastic summer. It was nice to take a vacation but now we're rolling up our sleeves and getting back to work covering the ins and outs of all that we consider relevant in music.*

We've got a few things for you today but for now let's kick things off with a New Music Tuesday.  
This weeks biggest release, for some, is probably the Jonas Brother's third LP, A Little Longer. Continuing the long standing tradition of mediocre but photogenic teeny bopper bands, the Disney created Jonas Brothers insist on making soundtrack music that appeals almost exclusively to the lucrative "tweener" market in which they and Miley Cyrus rule as Kings and Queen. 

A Little Longer will sell well, just as the brother's previous albums, but the real question is, how long before the bubble bursts and this albums title becomes ironic? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying these type of young pop stars are void of any musical integrity, I'm just heavily implying it. 

You've probably never heard of Pop Levi, or if you have, congrats on being way cooler than anyone else. The disco lite, electro-rock of Englishman Jonathan Pop Levi is slinky, funky, weird, and terrific. His second album, Never Never Love is out now and comes highly recommended by us, people you don't know.

Our gun is loaded with bullet points:
  • Sick of Sarah - Sick of Sarah
  • Funeral Mixtape - The Pack A.D.
  • Bird's Eye View - Amy Kuney
  • Look What You Made Me - Yung Berg
*this may seem selfish and smug but to be fair, it's our blog ya hippie